Thursday, July 14, 2011

When Everything Changes

It's the tail end of my last evening home. I have no idea when, after tonight, I'll have a bed to sleep in, four climate-controlled walls, or a sense of normalcy. I won't be setting out on my own until Sunday, but all the same; From tomorrow onward, my life will change as it never has before.

Even now it doesn't seem real. I'm not gazing with any new, particular fondness at my gardens(Don't get me wrong, now, I will miss those). My bedroom is a bit tidier than usual, but it doesn't feel like a place I'm packing up and leaving. The various farewells at work today, as the Flower Mart shut down for the season, where more emotional than I expect tomorrow to be.

I couldn't resist some small measure of ceremony, though, so I took extra care to enjoy my last commute-by-bike home last night, and take a few pictures of the regional trail. That'll do for me.

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